14 total records returned for that search - 50 records per page

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Title: Legend of Uwepa Hokupaa (North Star) #203
Source: Hoku o ka Pakipika
Author: J. K. K. (Jas. K. Kaulia?)
Location: HEN Thrum #203
Title: The soul after leaving the body # 194
Source: Hoku o ka Pakipika
Location: HEN Thrum # 194
Title: News of the Hawaiian Dog #188 (an anecdote)
Source: Hoku o ka Pakipika
Location: HEN Thrum #188
Title: The Rule of Hawaiian Doctors, With Native Ailments #206 (Dispute over some sick woman)
Source: Hoku o ka Pakipika
Author: D.N. Ami
Location: HEN Thrum #206
Title: Makanialoha (a goddess). Story of a certain unihipili goddess, Makanialoha.
Source: Hoku o ka Pakipika
Author: R.K. Puowaina
Location: HEN Thrum #128
Title: Kapihe. Tradition of Kapihe. The Prophet.
Source: Hoku o ka Pakipika
Author: J.D. Kauakoiawe
Location: HEN Thrum #189
Title: In the time of Kamehameha.
Source: Hoku o ka Pakipika
Author: J.M. Kalimahauna and J.M. Kealoha
Location: HEN Thrum #191, #192
Title: Chiefs Who Acted Unjustly
Source: Hoku o ka Pakipika
Author: Kaaie
Location: HEN Thrum #198
Title: The Soul After Leaving The Body. Names of places on the various islands.
Source: Hoku o ka Pakipika
Author: J.W.K. Kaaie
Location: HEN Thrum #194
Title: Of The Soul or Spirit, (Answer to #194)
Source: Hoku o ka Pakipika
Author: F.W. Kaawaloa.
Location: HEN Thrum #195
Title: Cultivating Wet Lands.
Source: Hoku o ka Pakipika
Location: HEN Thrum #197
Title: Story of a Certain Unihipili Goddess, Makanialoha.
Source: Hoku o ka Pakipika
Author: R.K. Puowaina
Location: HEN Thrum #182
Title: Spirits After the Death of the Body.
Source: Hoku o ka Pakipika
Author: J.W. K. Ka'ai'e
Location: HEN vol. 1 p. 3136- 3138
Title: Birth Marks and Days of the Week Omens.
Source: Hoku o ka Pakipika
Location: HEN Thrum #199
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